'Harry Potter' Remixed Like 'Friends' Is The TV Show We Didn't Know We Needed

'Harry Potter' Reimagined As 'Friends' Is The TV Show We Didn't Know We Needed

YouTube user Jeremiah Rivera, describing himself as "just a person who got bored," posted a mashup this week of two pop culture sensations -- "Harry Potter" remixed as the "Friends" title sequence. And we never realized how much they have in common.

To the tune of The Remembrandts' unforgettable ode to first-world problems, a montage of our favorite characters reminds us of the suspenseful moments and heartwarming performances we can expect ahead. We can picture ourselves binge-watching this on whatever streaming service realized "Harry Potter Friends" is what the world needed.

"With its outstanding writing and signature characters," the iTunes description would read, "the Harry Potter phenomenon defined 'young adult fiction' and remains a staple of popular culture forever."

"Friends" and "Harry Potter": They're basically the same thing.

Before You Go

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