Terrifying Video Shows Landslide In Nepal After Second Major Earthquake

Terrifying Video Shows Landslide In Nepal After Second Major Earthquake

The scale of destruction caused by a second major earthquake in Nepal was captured in terrifying footage of a massive landslide pouring down onto a Nepalese village Tuesday.

The tremors triggered a landslide near the northeast town of Dhunche. James Shaw, a technician for the Canadian Red Cross, caught the harrowing moment on camera.

“As the earthquake happened, boulders from the top of the mountain started coming down," Shaw told Canada's National Post. “Little houses were falling.”

The magnitude-7.3 quake struck northeast Nepal on Tuesday, just over two weeks after a devastating earthquake killed more than 8,000 people. Dozens have been confirmed dead in the latest earthquake, and officials said they expect the death toll to rise.

Dhunche lies near the Langtang Valley, a remote region close to Nepal's border with China. It was among the areas worst-hit by April's earthquake.

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Nepal Hit By Second Major Quake

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