A Plea to My WGA Comrades

Have we forgotten that studio wish nothing more than to provide all with much needed respite from the tribulations we all endure here on the planet I like to call earth?
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To my WGA brethren and sistren,

I urge you in the strongest possible terms to cease this senseless strike. Have we forgotten that studios, such as Paramount which bestowed upon us the "Mission Impossible" series and a movie about the mafia, I think, wish nothing more than to provide all with much needed respite from the tribulations we all endure here on the planet I like to call earth? Who are we to interfere with the means of production of so selfless an entity? Are we to deny these humble public servants the right to eke out a meager living? To continue this pointless action would be an act of inhumanity on par with the rape of Nanking, which trust me, was no stroll in the park,nor, I daresay, a walk on the beach for that matter. We must terminate this impudent action , as Abraham "Abe" Lincoln once quipped, "with malice towards none, with charity for all." He might have amended that to say, "except for hot-headed actors," for he was nothing if not ironic.

Which brings me to a second point: Not that anyone cares about theater, it being faggy and all that, but there's no need for us to support those Broadway stagehands. These blue-collar goons have no use for the written word save for "Moving Things Around For Dummies," so why should we scribes give a rat's rectum about them? They're basically truckers without trucks; let them lose their souls.

And while I'm on my soapbox (not literally, I'm at my workstation, LMAO!!!) How about we show a little support for our local oil companies by purchasing as much premium grade fossil fuel as we can. These gentle giants need to scrape together every penny to continue their environmental R&D so that our world will be a better place for our children whom I like to think are our future as well as our most precious natural resource, next to young women who fuck older men because they like to, not for financial security and/or expensive gifts.

Read more about the strike on the Huffington Post's writers' strike page.

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