Reporter Freaks Out In Cicada Ambush At Military Base

Cicadas Bug Reporter

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life swarms you with cicadas, upload it to YouTube.

KSNT reporter Katya Leick, 24, was filming a segment while standing in a tank at Fort Riley, Kansas, earlier this week. But the bugs weren't making it easy for her.

Every time I tried to start talking, they’d come. I was like, ‘I need to hold it together, come on, I just have to get this done with’,” she told ABC News.

The struggle was REAL😂😂😖😖😂😂

— Katya Leick KSNT (@KatyaKSNT) June 10, 2015

She shared a montage of herself swatting at the insects. Although they're big and kind of gross-looking, cicadas are totally harmless, even if they're landing on your face.

Fortunately, it wasn't a live segment. The Topeka station ran with the video:

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