Instagram's Most Popular Emojis Will Make You Feel Warm And Fuzzy


Can you feel the love tonight? Instagram users can.

The most popular emoji characters for Instagram hashtags are all smooches and hearts. That's according to Curalate, an online marketing and analytics firm.

The company looked at data showing all of the public hashtags on Instagram that used emojis between April 27 -- when emoji hashtags launched -- and May 27. The most popular emoji in that month-long period was a red heart: . The least popular was this exasperated-looking face: .

Doesn't that make you feel better about ... everything?

All told, Curalate reports that 6.4 million individual emojis were used in hashtags during the period observed. A huge portion were that red heart -- 575,381 -- while 321,684 were a face with heart-shaped eyes. The third-most popular, a kissing face, was used 185,186 times. Every single one of the top 10 depicts either a smiling face, hearts, kissing or "thumbs up."

Here's the full breakdown:

H/T Forbes


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