The Story Behind The First 3D Printed Wrench In Space [Video]

WATCH: The Story Behind The First 3-D-Printed Wrench In Space
Edited NASA image of an identical duplicate (how's that for tautological?) wrench printed with a 3D printer as the wrench, also printed with a 3D printer, on the space station. It will be interesting when NASA sends a 3D printer to Mars to build in-situ experiments, rovers, habitats, and the like. Or even the Moon...
Edited NASA image of an identical duplicate (how's that for tautological?) wrench printed with a 3D printer as the wrench, also printed with a 3D printer, on the space station. It will be interesting when NASA sends a 3D printer to Mars to build in-situ experiments, rovers, habitats, and the like. Or even the Moon...

You may recall that late last year, a breakthrough in manufacturing occurred a few hundred miles above the Earth.

After having sent a 3D printer to the International Space Station and printed its first object, a file for a functional ratchet wrench was emailed to a laptop and printed, marking the first time an object designed on Earth was digitally transmitted into space and manufactured.

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