Macy Gray Wrote An Epic Love Song...To Her Vibrator

"He's always the same, he never complains, when I want another."

As if we needed another reason to praise the existence of sex toys, please say hello to the most epic love song ever: singer-songwriter Macy Gray's ballad of affection for her vibrator.

Yes, world, it's true. Following the recent trend of powerful women (like Nicki Minaj and Amy Schumer) talking openly about women's sexual pleasure, Gray has written a love song to B.O.B., her "Battery Operated Boyfriend." With catchy lyrics and an awesome animated music video, this might be the best thing to happen to female masturbation EVER.

Although at first, the idea of the song -- titled "B.O.B." -- might seem comical, the words Gray wrote empower female sexuality by telling the story of a woman's loving relationship with her vibrator.

"He can go all night, dark until the light, and we stop when I want to," Gray sings, highlighting a woman's ability to control her sexual pleasure while hinting at the reality that for some women, sex can be dominated by a partner's desires instead of her own.

Gray told Elle that she hopes B.O.B. "opens women up to talk about what's really real for them." She also urged women to experiment with their sexuality and get a vibrator. "You should have a Bob," Gray said. "You should have all kinds of shit. You shouldn't be so quiet."

We are women, after all. Here us roar.

Watch the full music video above.

H/T Elle

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