Stunning Photos Capture The Majestic Beauty Of The Animal Kingdom

"An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language."
Katrine Gomonova/Snapwire

This week the nation was collectively stunned and saddened by the unexpected loss of Zimbabwe's beloved lion Cecil, who, at 13 years old, was shot and killed for sport by Minnesota-based dentist Dr. Walter Palmer.

It's true, the way humans treat the wild creatures who too inhabit this earth is often ugly and heartless. So Huffington Post Arts & Culture challenged its readers this week to instead celebrate the endlessly diverse beauty of the animal kingdom, living beings that deserve our civility and respect. "An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language," philosopher Martin Buber once said.

Take a look at the magnificent creatures of the wild, and the many feathers and furs and scales and horns and snouts that make the world a brighter place.

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