Poet Calls Out Our Culture's Absurd Ideas About Body Hair

Ain't nothing wrong with a little lady hair.

Desireé Dallagiacomo doesn't care if a woman's body hair makes you uncomfortable.

Earlier this month at the 2015 Women Of The World Poetry Slam, the 25-year-old poet performed her spoken word poem "Shave Me." The slam poem is a smart and hilarious take down of body hair beauty standards for women.

“Watching ‘The Walking Dead’ it is clear that women are badass. They are brave, heroic, but most importantly they represent complete absolute dedication to shaving their armpits," Dallagiacomo begins, highlighting pop culture's hilarious insistence on representing armpit-hair free women.

"Somehow in post-apocalyptic America they find razors and shaving cream while scavenging for food and bludgeoning zombies," she continues. "These women don’t just survive -- they survive with no underarm stubble."

With equal parts humor and anger, Dallagiacomo points out the absurd expectation that all women remove their body hair. "If I can’t shave it I’ll bleach it, if I can’t bleach it I’ll wax it, if I can’t wax it I’ll pay thousands of dollars to kill all of my hair follicles with a tiny razor beam and I’ll never grow body hair again," she says to the crowd. "Stupid evolutionary development! Who needs you? Not women!"

Towards the end of her poem, Dallagiacomo makes a pointed (and perfectly sarcastic) joke: “Everyone would be so much more comfortable if I just suffered hairlessly instead of looking like a f**king human being.”

Mic drop, once again.

Also on The Huffington Post:

13 Slam Poems That Pack A Serious Feminist Punch

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