Does Anyone Know What Biden's Doing Tonight?

Spoiler alert: He's probably not going to be in Las Vegas.

With the first Democratic presidential primary debate quickly approaching, there's one question on everyone's mind: What in the world is going on with Joe Biden?

The vice president hasn't made a decision on whether he'll run for president, and it seems extremely unlikely that he'll make an appearance at Tuesday night's debate in Las Vegas. According to his official public schedule, he planned to meet with President Barack Obama in the morning and "attend meetings at the White House" in the afternoon, including one with Obama and Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Biden's spokesperson didn't respond to a request from The Huffington Post about the vice president's evening plans.

Reporters mobbed Biden's house to try to find out more:

Even if Biden doesn't show up at the debate, he won't be missing completely from the conversation. The super PAC Draft Biden plans to air a new TV ad during the debate urging the VP to run.

Biden must declare his candidacy by the end of the month per campaign finance rules, Politico reports. Should he decide to run, he'll face an uphill battle. A poll released by Reuters on Tuesday found that half of likely Democratic voters say they think he should run -- but only 17 percent said they'd vote for him over current front-runner Hillary Clinton.

One thing's for sure: If Biden does make a last-minute appearance at the debate, CNN has an extra lectern ready to go:

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