Rev. Run Reveals The Most Important Principle In Any Religion


According to Rev. Run, religion can be boiled down to one major principal.

"Do unto other as you would want done to you," he told HuffPost Live on Tuesday, recounting the ethos he instills in his kids.

"They've all gone to church over the years, and I teach them to be just be kind to others. That's the top thing for religion," he continued. "My main part of religion is kindness. Everybody can respond to that. There's no language barrier with kindness."

Unfortunately for the Run-D.M.C rapper, today's social media practices often contradict this, he lamented to host Alex Miranda.

"It's pretty rough out there on Instagram and Twitter. There's so much bashing. It kind of breaks my heart," he affirmed. "Every time somebody tweets something, if you're a celebrity, people come down on them so hard. ... It's just sad for me because I didn't grow up with too much of that."

Watch Rev. Run's full conversation with HuffPost Live here.

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