Do Hotter People Have Better Sex Lives?

And other big LGBT wellness stories from the past week.

Each week HuffPost Gay Voices, in a partnership with blogger Scout, LGBT HealthLink and researcher Susana Fajardo, brings you a round up of some of the biggest LGBT wellness stories from the past seven days. For more LGBT Wellness visit our page dedicated to the topic here.

Hotter People Have Better Sex Lives

Science found out what most of us already know: hotter people have better sex lives. A study of LGB (no T) individuals found that people who thought they were more sexually attractive had more sexual partners, better self-esteem, more sex and when they had sex enjoyed it more.

Feds: No Research Supports Conversion Therapy

This week SMHSA, a federal agency, released a groundbreaking report calling for the end to conversation therapy, a practice they say is harmful and has no scientific backing. Thanks to SAMHSA for going public on this point.

Aydian Dowling Doesn't Win Men's Health Cover

The winner of the Men's Health "Ultimate Guy" cover contest was announced and, sadly, transgender fitness enthusiast and model Aydian Dowling didn't win the top spot. Aydian was a fan favorite and would have been the first transgender man to grace the cover of Men's Health. Still, congratulations to him on his amazing effort.

Breast Cancer Research Lacking For Transgender Individuals

We know it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month from all of the pink ribbons popping up everywhere. While public support has never been higher, there is still a huge gap in research for breast cancer in transgender people. And in case it hasn't yet been said... pink may not fit all of us.

Circumcision Doesn't Affect STI Likelihood

Good news! Circumcision probably doesn't affect STIs. A new study found no difference in overall STI rates between circumcised and uncircumcised young black MSM.

Electronic Health Records To Allow LGBT Status

Hallelujah to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for releasing a new rule that soon vendors developing electronic health record systems must allow providers to record information on sexual orientation and gender identity. As just one example of what this might affect? It's the first step in allowing us to finally collect LGBT cancer data.

Also on The Huffington Post:

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An asexual is “someone who does not experience sexual attraction.” also notes, "Asexuals may regard other people as aesthetically attractive without feeling sexual attraction to them. Some asexual people also experience the desire of being affectionate to other people without it being sexual. If you do not experience sexual attraction, you might identify as asexual."
Fuse via Getty Images
"An aromantic is a person who experiences little or no romantic attraction to others,” according to The site also notes that “aromantics do not lack emotional/personal connection, but simply have no instinctual need to develop connections of a romantic nature. Aromantics can have needs for just as much empathetic support as romantics, but these needs can be fulfilled in a platonic way.” Being aromantic is usually “considered to be innate and not a personal choice,” in the same way that asexuality is considered innate.
By Wunderfool via Getty Images
Jared, one man who identifies as graysexual, defines the term as a "magical place between asexual and someone who is sexual." The Frisky defines it as "something more fluid between sexuality and asexuality." Those who identify as graysexual might also identify as gay or straight or any other sexual identity inside or outside of the binary.
Betsie Van Der Meer via Getty Images
Someone who identifies as demisexual doesn’t typically feel sexual attraction unless they “have already formed a strong emotional bond with the person.” also notes that “the bond may or may not be romantic in nature.”
Caiaimage/Tom Merton via Getty Images
Similar to a demisexual, the individual doesn’t feel romantic attraction “unless they have already formed a strong emotional bond with the person.”
Dougal Waters via Getty Images
According to, the term is described as “a person who experiences romantic love but does not want their feelings to be reciprocated.” The site also notes that lithromantic people “may or may not be ok with romantic relationships.”
DreamPictures via Getty Images
Pansexual refers to those “who feel they are sexually/emotionally/spiritually capable of falling in love with all genders.
Dynamic Graphics via Getty Images
Similar to pansexual, a polysexual person “may be attracted to some gender variant people but not have the capability or desire to be with some others.
Asia Images via Getty Images
A person who is romantically -- but not sexually -- attracted to others regardless of sex or gender.
Leren Lu via Getty Images
According to, skoliosexual refers to “sexual attraction to non-binary identified individuals" or those who do not identify as cisgender. The site also notes that “this does not generally describe an attraction to specific genitalia or birth assignments but rather is an inclusive term.”
Queerplatonic Relationships
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Relationships that “are not romantic in nature but they involve very close emotional connections that are often deeper or more intense than what is traditionally considered a friendship.”
diego cervo via Getty Images
The name for a partner who is involved in a queerplatonic relationship, as in "he's my zucchini."

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