NBC Obtains Video Claiming To Show Anti-ISIS Raid That Killed U.S. Operative

NBC Video Purports To Show Footage Of ISIS Raid That Killed U.S. Operative

A new video obtained by NBC News claims to show the raid on an ISIS prison that killed one American soldier and rescued 69 people.

Master Sergeant Joshua Wheeler, 39, of Roland, Oklahoma was later identified as the U.S. commando killed. He is the first American to die in combat since the U.S. launched its offensive against the Islamic State.

Details surrounding the Thursday raid have slowly emerged, including a McClatchy report that the objective was to not only free Kurds and peshmerga fighters thought to be held captive, but to also gather intelligence from former officials of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party that were believed to be among the hostages.

According to the McClatchy report, however, there were no Kurds among the rescued, and it is currently unknown if any Baathists were among them.

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