Nancy Pelosi Won’t Be Doing P90X With Paul Ryan

The Democratic leader subsists on chocolate, oatmeal and avoiding the gym.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) and Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) probably won't get to know each other over food.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) and Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) probably won't get to know each other over food.
Gary Cameron / Reuters

WASHINGTON -- House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is eager to work with newly elected Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).

But they won't be getting to know each other over freshly shucked oysters and gumbo at Johnny's Half Shell, or at any other Capitol Hill mainstay for that matter. For Pelosi, dinner is typically a late-night affair with a packet of Quaker Oats.

"I don't have dinner together with anybody," Pelosi said during a Wednesday roundtable with reporters. "I don't have dinner with my best friends. At night, I have a bowl of oatmeal and it is my joy to enjoy that."

A midnight dollop of Apple & Cinnamon oats probably wouldn't fly for Ryan, a known health nut. Pelosi might be better off tossing around policy ideas with the new speaker at the House gym, speed-walking alongside each other on treadmills. Ryan is serious about fitness, after all, particularly his intense P90X workouts.

Too bad Pelosi has no idea where the House gym is.

"For $1 billion, I couldn't tell you where it was," she said. "I don't go to any gym. So, no offense to this gym. I don't have time for that."

It appears Pelosi and Ryan will have to find another place to sort this one out. In the meantime, the Democratic leader will continue being the enviable person who eats chocolate ice cream for breakfast, oatmeal for dinner and never works out.

A Ryan spokesman did not respond to a request for suggestions on where the two leaders could find a good spot to get to know each other.*

*The Huffington Post proposed a chocolate shop and a wine bar.

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