Donna Karan Says BFF Barbra Streisand Isn't Recognized For The 'Genius She Is'

Who doesn't

Donna Karan sang the praises of her best friend and "sister" Barbra Streisand in a conversation with HuffPost Live on Friday, but Karan mentioned that she felt the legendary songstress hasn't received the credit she deserves.

"I think she's an inspiration for so many people. To see her genius and her talent is just extraordinary," Karan affirmed. "[But] I don't think she's realized on that level of what a genius she is."

Aside from an outstanding "attention to detail" and incredible vocal chops, Streisand is an encouraging figure among women, said Karan.

"She projects as a woman who makes a difference in the world," the fashion designer explained. "I think she has a real consciousness about women and about what women can do, because in this day and age, unfortunately, women are still looked upon as 'that's your job -- you can't do it all,' and I think Barbra's a brilliant director. The movie 'Yentl' just ripped me apart."

But behind all the admiration lies a special bond, one that's independent from both of their public images.

"There's a very private part of our lives, which is really about real, true friendship," Karan said.

Watch more from Donna Karan's conversation with HuffPost Live here.

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