Rush Limbaugh Says Left Is 'As Guilty As Those Pulling The Trigger'

Right-wing talker says Democrats and the media are "guilty" of mass shootings.

The right-wing radio host claimed the left -- including Democrats and the media -- were trying to cover up details of Wednesday's violence to protect a political agenda.

"It's absurd and it is obscene to watch the efforts of the left cover this up," Limbaugh said in remarks posted online by Media Matters. "It's as though they think they did it."

By the end of his rant, Limbaugh shifted from saying "as though" to placing full-on blame for the killings, which police say were committed by Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, who died in a shootout with officers.

"The left knows that it is as guilty as those pulling the trigger here and they're doing everything they can to transfer that guilt and cover it up," Limbaugh said.

"It's even gotten so absurd now that they are criticizing Republicans and anybody else who prays after these events as a total waste of time, as total phoniness because prayers don't stop bullets and prayers aren't going to fix this," he said, referring to stories on the Republican response.

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