Sarah Jessica Parker Defends 'Sex And The City 2' On 'Billy On The Street'

"We can openly discuss it now."

"Billy on the Street" took a break from its regularly scheduled obstacle courses and streetside confrontations to discuss one of the most polarizing films of the last decade: "Sex and the City 2." In case you were living under a rock in 2010, here's an excerpt from Salon writer Andrew O'Hehir's review to give you a sense of how poorly the film was received.

It would have been more merciful for writer-director Michael Patrick King to have rented Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda out to the “Saw” franchise, or to Rob Zombie, so we could watch them get shot in the head or skinned alive by Arkansas rednecks. Instead of that, we get something that’s truly sadistic: the SATC girls as haggard specters, haunted by their freewheeling ’90s past and stupefied by the demands of work, marriage and/or motherhood.

Before delving into a game of "Santa's Reindeer or Sex App," host Billy Eichner asked "SATC" star Sarah Jessica Parker how she reacted to the negativity.

"I didn't read [the criticism], but I gleaned from the look on people's faces," Parker admitted. "I think what was surprising was the level of vitriol ... We can only discuss it now."

Eichner quickly cut her off and proceeded to deliver an epic rant on the misunderstood sequel.

"Here's what I think. I think that that show had dealt so well, in such a smart, sharp way, in dissecting guys that I think bros, all the bros out there, like, really liked the chance to jump on it, finally, to a certain degree. And people said, ‘Oh, I don't believe them going to the Middle East,'" Eichner tells the camera in his signature manic delivery.

"I have one guy, a friend of mine who's into sci-fi, he's like, 'It's not believable they go to the Middle East,'" he continued. "I said, ‘Oh you can't believe they go to the Middle East, but you believe in f**king Chewbacca, you f**king turd? You'll believe anything that happens on some planet George Lucas made up, but you can't believe that Kim Cattrall would film for a few weeks in Morocco?' I'm serious. I'm so glad to finally be getting this off my chest."

"You're saying things I never would have the courage to say," SJP responded.

In 2014, Michael Patrick King, the mastermind behind the HBO series and both films, gave fans hope for a third installment.

Sarah Jessica and I both know what that final chapter is," King told Entertainment Weekly. "That doesn’t mean it will or should be told, but I do think there’s one story left ... There’s four girls, and those girls are still in my mind. There are other stories to tell and characters that haven’t even been written yet."

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