Here's The News Of 2015, As Told By Stick Figures Obviously

Stick figures: the language of the people.

NYC-based illustrator Dana Zemack has done the impossible. She took an entire year's worth of news and boiled it down to a very tight and easily digestible month-to-month package. And she did it with stick figures.

To see more of Zemack's work, follow her on Instagram and Twitter. She's more than just a stick figureographer.

January: New Year’s Resolutions FTW, and you’re doin’ great in that one yoga class you signed up for.
Dana Zemack
February: That dress is obviously blue and black. Why are we still talking about this?
Dana Zemack
March: Zayn is leaving?
Dana Zemack
April: Everyone stops watching you whip and nae nae because they’re all watching this 4-year-old dance instead.
Dana Zemack
May: First day of spring and you walk outside in your brand new sandals.
Dana Zemack
June: Wait, did they just kill off Jon Snow?
Dana Zemack
July: Ariana Grande ruins doughnuts for everyone.
Dana Zemack
August: “Awesomesauce” gets added to the Oxford Dictionary.
Dana Zemack
September: The supermoon parade continues, and once again, the only place you manage to see it is on Facebook.
Dana Zemack
October: Drake confounds you with his dance moves.
Dana Zemack
November: Twitter ruins Twitter for everyone. Why do you hate us, Twitter? #savethefave
Dana Zemack
December: And now all your guy friends are glitter bombing their beards for Christmas.
Dana Zemack
Bye 2015!
Dana Zemack

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