Seth MacFarlane's 'Bordertown' Takes On Latino Stereotypes In New Teaser

Delightfully refreshing.

Ernesto Gonzalez, one of the main characters in Fox’s new Animation Domination offering, “Bordertown,” proves that as a culture, we’ve come a long way from Speedy Gonzalez. At least when it comes to animated series.

Yesterday Fox released the above teaser video that offers a closer look at Ernesto, a family-oriented Mexican-American character who seems delightfully refreshing.

Ernesto is upbeat, owns his own business and a home, and is winning at life -- well, at least in comparison to his white counterpart, Bud Buckwald, Ernesto’s neighbor who is a border agent and feels he’s entitled to the life Ernesto has worked so hard for.

“[Ernesto] is industrious, hard-working, unflappable,” says the show’s creator Mark Hentemann, who was the show runner for “Family Guy,” in the video. “He came here to pursue the American dream, and he’s achieved it in many ways.”

The show “Bordertown,” which premieres on January 3, 2016, takes place in the fictional Southwestern desert town of Mexifornia and plans to tackle the cultural shift currently taking place in the U.S., all, of course, with executive producer Seth MacFarlane’s satirical wink.

The show has also hired Lalo Alcaraz of “La Cucaracha” fame and Gustavo Arellano of the “¡Ask a Mexican!” column as consulting producers to ensure “Bordertown” has a genuine Latino perspective. Lalo was even hired as a writer and is one of five Latinos on the writing staff.

If a short clip that depicts Bud complaining about how Mexicans “have no idea what it’s like to have foreigners ruin their country” while passing a bunch of American spring breakers in Mexico is any indication of the humor, we’ll definitely be giving this show a whirl.

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