This Calculator Shows How Much You Get Paid To Poop (And Pee!) At Work

Flush that productivity down the toilet
Here's the layout of the Paid To Poo Calculator, which determines how much money you make while on the can.
Here's the layout of the Paid To Poo Calculator, which determines how much money you make while on the can.
Paid To Poo Calculator/Plumbworld

We reportedly spend an average of 92 days in a lifetime on the toilet and 1.5 years in the bathroom, so we might as well profit from it.

That's why Plumbworld in the U.K. has plopped this handy Paid To Poo Calculator on us. The device rings up how much you earn while going to the bathroom at work.

As long as you're getting remunerated for being at the office, you might as well be compensated for answering nature's call there, right?

To determine your excremental earnings, simply type in your salary, how often you go, and for how long. (Remember to shift the currency from pounds to dollars.)

For instance, if you make $50,000 and you visit the loo three times a day and spend an average of four minutes there, you gross (ahem) $1,250 a year.

Not bad for sitting down on the job.

"We wouldn’t suggest purposely spending more time in the toilet to profit (although some people might!); however, it’s always nice to know you’re earning some money just by going about your “business,” Plumbworld marketing exec Daniel Cartland told The Huffington Post.

But if you're a freelancer, you might be sh-- out of luck.

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