The Jonas Brothers Are Loving Your Winter Storm Jonas Memes

#winterstormjonas (brothers)

As winter storm Jonas makes it way up the East Coast, some savvy Internet dwellers have capitalized on the famous human brothers with whom the snow monster shares a name.

Very importantly, Nick, Joe and Kevin are loving it:

Joe tweeted a pic of his head on the body of Elsa from "Frozen" (editor's warning: could frighten/confuse the children!!):

While Kevin Jonas shared a pic of himself as a snowman (slightly safer for the children):

Budding cinema star Nick Jonas, currently at Sundance with film "Goat," kept it classy with a lil' tweet (fine for the children cause they can't READ!!!):

If you're feeling too, too icy, just imagine you're Demi Lovato casually hanging with Nick Jonas in St. Barts back in December. They look warm.

And now, for good measure, a Weezer meme:

Also on HuffPost:

Winter Storm Jonas

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