Watch As Blizzard Transforms New York City Into A Snowboarder's Paradise

Viral video maker Casey Neistat glides through the Big Apple's big storm.

When it comes to snowboarding destinations, New York City isn't at the top of the list.

In fact, it generally doesn't make the list at all.

That all changed with the blizzard this weekend when viral video maker Casey Neistat turned the snowy streets into his own snowboarding course.

For part of the video he was joined by skier Oscar Boyson, and the pair zipped through Times Square:

The clip begins with new footage of Mayor Bill de Blasio warning that anyone out driving in the storm would be subject to arrest. (Although a making-of video notes they started filming about an hour before the travel ban kicked in).

At one point, the Jeep towing Neistat was pulled over by the police for an "only in New York" moment.

(h/t Digg)

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