A Voters' Guide To Comparing Presidential Candidates: Imagine Them As Used Car Salesmen

What would Donald Trump sell you?

MANCHESTER, N.H. -- Would you buy a used car from Ted Cruz? What about Donald Trump or Jeb Bush? And if so, what kind of deal would you get?

The answers to these questions can actually be very informative and help show how voters perceive each candidate. Inside Ben Carson's headquarters in Manchester, New Hampshire, on Saturday, Mark Sullivan, an undecided voter from Massachusetts, matched nearly all the big-name White House aspirants with the type of car they'd try to sell you.

Watch Sullivan explain his theory above.

"If you go to somebody like Dr. Carson here, you know you're going to get the car he's telling you about. He's an honest guy. You may not like every feature about that car, but you're getting the car," Sullivan said.

With Donald Trump, "he's going to tell you this is the greatest car ever," Sullivan added. "It's a fantastic car. It gets a million miles to the gallon and you don't ever have to put gas in the tank. You know he's full of it, but it's still interesting."

He'd be willing to buy that car, but would probably get it checked out first before committing.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton "will make the car whatever you want it to be."

And the one candidate he wouldn't buy a car from? That would be Cruz.

Also on HuffPost:

Sen. Ted Cruz

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