Cops Called To Scrapyard 'Riot' Relieved To Find Rap Video Being Filmed

UK artist Shotty Horroh's new clip caused quite the scene.

Cops called to a scrapyard in England following reports of masked men smashing up cars were relieved to discover they were only actors filming a rap video.

A concerned resident called police in the northern town of Oldham on Friday afternoon after seeing 30 males, clad in balaclavas and stab vests, destroying vehicles with baseball bats, according to Greater Manchester Police.

Video posted online shows officers arriving at Multi Car Parts Ltd., where rapper Shotty Horroh was filming his latest clip with the permission of the company's owners.

The officers appear confused as a producer explains the situation. They then leave after realizing it's all above board.

Shotty Horroh -- real name Adam Rooney -- said the police raid came during the second day of filming the video for his new track "FUDT" (F**K Up Da Ting).

He shared this image on Instagram showing one of the cars being destroyed in the video shoot:

#FUDT video coming soon 📽

A photo posted by Shotty Horroh (@shottyhorroh) on

According to the Manchester Evening News, Shotty Horroh is the U.K.'s "most successful rap battler," with one of his YouTube clips racking up 8 million views.

In a Facebook post, Greater Manchester Police thanked the unidentified caller for their vigilance and urged people planning similar stunts that "may cause concern to the public" to contact them beforehand so they were aware.

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