Black Girls Are Showing Off How Lit They Are And It's Beautiful

Black women are the perfect combination of 🔥 and 💯.

Black women are taking over Twitter with yet another hashtag of empowerment and it's too lit.

On Monday morning, Cherrell Brown tweeted a photo of Beyoncé walking across the Super Bowl field with her dancers donning berets and afros in true Black Panther fashion with the hashtag #BeingABlackGirlIsLit. The hashtag started trending shortly after, with black women posting photos, GIFs and videos that payed homage to black women of the past, present and future.

Brown, who first tweeted this hashtag in March, shared that this hashtag isn't for just one type of black woman, but for all black women to be carefree in however they choose to express themselves.

"I am here to both defend and build spaces for black girls to be their full selves unapologetically," she wrote. "To be ratchet. To be carefree, not just the 'flowers in hair while I listen to Badu' aesthetic, but every single complex way we show up."

#BeingABlackGirlIsLit underscores that the fact that black women aren't monolithic, no matter what stereotypes others try to put them in.

Check out just a few lit black girls who deserve to be celebrated.

The world better recognize!

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#BlackGirlMagic 2015


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