Grandma Who Waves To Kids Gets Love-Bombed For Valentine's Day

"The kids are just so wonderful. I love them!"

Every school day morning, 86-year-old Tinney Davidson sits in her favorite chair by the window and greets the kids walking by on their way to school with a wave. It's something she's been doing since 2007.

On Friday, students from Highland Secondary School on Vancouver Island, Canada, let Davidson know just how much they appreciate her waves: They "love-bombed" her lawn with hearts made from plastic milk jugs and gave her a plate of homemade cookies.

Davidson told CHEK News, which covered the event live, how shocked she was by the attention and how much she loves and appreciates the high schoolers.

“It was a wonderful event,” Davidson told CHEK. “The kids are just so wonderful. I love them!”

Highland Secondary School math teacher Charlotte Hood Tanner, who organized the Valentine's surprise, told CHEK, “When people are encouraged to be grateful, they’re just happier people.”

The students also honored Davidson two years ago with an assembly in which they all rose and waved to her. CHEK News was on the scene for that as well.

Showing gratitude has been linked in studies to better health and greater happiness. Sounds like these students have already figured that out.

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