Maybe-Dildo Mattress Imprints Are Penetrating The Internet

Insert your own memory foam joke here.

While Super Tuesday was helping to decide the future of this great nation, the Internet continued to obsess over possible dildo impressions on a mattress.

We can't know for sure what these suspicious imprints are, but the person who posted the photo of them on Imgur, Reddit user name mentosfresh, says they were left on a mattress by a friend who was moving it. "Guess you can tell what was stored underneath?" the caption suggestively asks.

They sure look like sex-toy marks. And while we can't confirm their provenance, we can say with assurance that the Web is interested in whatever they are. The photo has collected more than 3.3 million views as of Tuesday afternoon.

The Huffington Post reached out to mentosfresh for details, and we hope to receive some confirmation. Because nothing is worse than a fake fake-penis mattress imprint post.

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