Zombie Video Takes Turn You'll Never See Coming

Scary stuff.

Zombies typically aren’t all that discerning when it comes to choosing their victims. But they should be –- as this short thriller points out.

The video, produced by Serve, a Milwaukee-based nonprofit ad agency, opens in standard horror fashion. As a young woman pulls out of an eerily dark driveway on a rainy night, a zombie slams against her car and chases her when she makes a run for it.

But the creepy corpse backs off after asking one loaded question: You don’t have an STD or anything, do you?

The upending PSA was launched in conjunction with the Women’s Fund of Omaha as part of a yearlong campaign to stem rising STD rates in the city.

Since 1998, the instances of gonorrhea and chlamydia in Douglas County have been consistently higher than state and national rates, according to Get Checked Omaha.

And the rates of reported chlamydia cases hit an all-time high of 3,507 cases last year, according to the Douglas County Health Department.

To urge young people to get tested, and practice safe sex, the organizations have launched a number of snarky campaigns.

In addition to the zombie PSA, the groups also erected fake STD storefronts around town in Omaha -- places like, Painful Itch N’ Go and Chlamydia Management Group. There are also clever, albeit jarring, billboards – including ones that say “What’s The Warts That Can Happen” and “Ignorance Is Blisters.”

Serve/Get Checked Omaha

The Woman’s Fund of Omaha was also part of a project that brought prom dresses made entirely of condoms to a number of stores.

The PSAs launched in advance of April’s STD Awareness Month and have already seen some notable success.

Five agencies involved in the program said they’ve seen a 38 percent increase in testing from 2014 to 2015, Get Checked Omaha said in a press release.

Learn more about Get Checked Omaha and how you can get involved here.

The Huffington Post

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