24 Signs You Studied Abroad In Paris

Two words: FRENCH. CHEESE. 🧀

Studying abroad is an unforgettable experience, especially when you get to live in the most beautiful city in the world for an entire semester. From fresh-baked baguettes, to strolling by la Tour Eiffel, to drinking wine with every meal, Paris is the kind of city that you just can't help but fall in love with.

You have this thing for classic, Haussmannian architecture that no one understands.

A photo posted by Amélie B. (@ameliebow) on

You've taken this exact photo at the Louvre and it took you about 987324 tries to get it just right.
Your culinary taste is très sophisticated and open to trying new things.

A photo posted by Eyal H 7 (@eyalh7) on

If you learned anything at all, it's that wine goes with every meal.
You were utterly devastated when they removed the love locks from the Pont des Arts because you contributed a piece of your heart to that beauty.

A photo posted by @earthwildlings on

You've experienced the pure enchantment that is the Eiffel Tower at night and concluded that yes, magic is real and it is among us all.
Now that you've spent quality time with your girl Mona, you consider yourself something of an art connoisseur.
You think any city that doesn't have shops dedicated ENTIRELY to pastries on every corner is seriously doing it wrong.

A photo posted by I Z-Z (@ivon_zz) on

When you peer outside a window, if you don't see a breathtaking, postcard-worthy monument or an example of historic architecture, you're disappointed.
As far as you're concerned, any bread that isn't French is absolutely inadequate.
No shopping spree will ever compare to a day roaming the Champs Elysées.

A photo posted by @lovely_ruji on

You've eaten so much charcuterie you might as well name your first born after it.
You consider cheese its own separate food course in a meal.
You have an unhealthy Nutella obsession to the point where you could eat it by the spoonful.

A photo posted by @photo.mwm on

You despise all public transportation that isn't your beloved métro.

A photo posted by 1993paris (@1993paris) on

Your idea of a lunch date involves sitting at a tiny circular table at an outdoor café for hours on end.
You consider crĂŞpes a perfectly valid meal choice for any time of day.
Your tastebuds know firsthand that macarons taste just as glorious as they look.
You casually write everything with a stylo-plume because Paris makes people effortlessly fancy like that.

A photo posted by @david_identification on

You've tasted liquid, minty heaven from the Diabolo gods and find it shocking Americans still have yet to catch on.

A photo posted by MadisonAvenue (@madavenue88) on

You wish all your grocery shopping could take place outside in an adorable little flee market.

A photo posted by Anastasia (@ana_che) on

You take your café au lait very seriously, meaning your cup of Joe better be served ~avec~ a piping hot side of milk, s'il vous plaît.

A photo posted by @milenazix on

It absolutely baffles you that most restaurants in the U.S. don't allow dogs.

A photo posted by @parisian__life__ on

The "city of love" made you quite the hopeless romantic. JUST LOOK AT ALL THE LOVE IN THE AIR.

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