Trans Woman Covers Women's Running Body Issue

Amelia Gapin is the first trans woman to appear on the popular magazine’s cover.

In a stunning display of solidarity with the LGBT+ community, Women's Running magazine has featured its first transgender woman on the cover of July's "Body Issue."

When the magazine released their sneak peak of trans runner and writer Amelia Gapin's cover on Instagram on Tuesday, they said that they "dedicate this issue to the LGBT community today, and every day." While the issue wasn't planned around the recent mass shooting in Orlando, in the wake of this tragedy, the magazine's dedication is especially moving.

Gapin told the magazine that, "being a transgender woman on the cover of a magazine dedicated to women says people like me are not just being seen, but being seen for who we are."

Off the track, Gapin is an advocate for trans visibility and regularly blogs about her experience as a trans runner and updates her followers on her transition, which began four years ago.

"At six and a half weeks [after one of her surgeries], I started running again. My first run was a very tough one mile, but it felt really great to get out there again," she wrote in a blog post last month.

Gapin's Instagram account is also a celebration of her accomplishments:

Check out Gapin's interview here, or pick up Women's Running on newsstands today.

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