The Wage Gap No One Is Talking About

The problem isn't just men vs. women.

The gender pay gap is so widely talked about and understood, it even grabbed centerstage in a recent Bud Light commercial. Meanwhile, another pay gap gets little time in the spotlight, but is in obvious need of our attention: the racial wage gap.

The gulf between what blacks and Hispanics earn compared to white men has not budged in a stunning 35 years, according to a new report from Pew Research, which analyzed Census data from 2015.

Black men, working full- or part-time, earned 75 percent of white men's hourly wages in 2015, according to Pew. That number has not changed since 1980. The wage gap for Hispanic men has actually gotten worse: from 71 percent in 1980 to 69 percent in 2015.

White women have made a lot more progress, earning 82 percent of what white men made in 2015, up from 60 percent in 1980. Asian women are doing even better, pulling in 87 percent of what white men earn in 2015.

Black and Hispanic women have not fared as well. In 1980, black women earned 56 cents for every dollar a white man made. In 2015 that gap was 65 cents. Hispanic women earned 58 cents on the dollar in 2015, up just 5 cents from 1980.


The racial pay gap can be explained partially by differences in education and occupation, Pew explains, citing academic research. The rest is probably straight-up discrimination. Twenty-one percent of blacks and 16 percent of Hispanics told Pew that in the past year they've been treated unfairly in hiring, pay or promotion because of their race or ethnicity; compared to 4 percent of white adults.

Do YOU have a personal experience of being treated less fairly in the workplace? If so, share your experience with us in one paragraph in an email to (you can chose to remain unnamed) or feel free to write in the comments below.

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