One Tweet Sums Up The Absurd Double Standard Clinton And Trump Face

Clinton needs to be charming to appear presidential. Trump just has to act like a grown-up.
A backdrop of U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her Republican counterpart Donald Trump at the Hofstra University, in Hempstead, New York.
A backdrop of U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her Republican counterpart Donald Trump at the Hofstra University, in Hempstead, New York.
JEWEL SAMAD via Getty Images

Hillary Clinton needs to sell herself and tell more jokes. Donald Trump needs to tell the truth about things and lay out actual policies as part of his platform. Pretty much the same, right?

According to MSNBC, basically. As one Twitter user @nycsouthpaw pointed out with a telling side-by-side, the gap between what we expect from Clinton and what we expect from Trump is so vast it’s almost laughable. (Except it isn’t funny that the fate of our nation’s values, safety and basic decency wasn’t hanging in the balance.)

MNSBC suggested that Clinton has the following tasks ahead of her tonight:

  • Sell her presidency (what she would do and how she would do it)
  • Be the Clinton who shines in a smaller crowd
  • Get those jokes off, adding levity

Trump on the other hand, apparently has to accomplish the following:

  • Stop lying
  • Show humility
  • Fill in the gaps in his policy proposals

These two lists signal a much larger problem: Our standard for what “presidential” means when we are talking about a woman candidate is very different from what “presidential” means when we are talking about a man.

Clinton has been in the public eye for decades, so she’s fully aware of what she’s up against. She must appear likable and loose, jokey but serious, strong but not aggressive, firm but not bitchy, prepared but not too studied, deliver zingers but not be bitchy.

I’ve learned that I can’t be quite so passionate in my presentation. I love to wave my arms, but apparently that’s a little bit scary to people. And I can’t yell too much. It comes across as “too loud” or “too shrill” or “too this” or “too that.”

Trump just has to show up and not appear completely devoid of human decency for 90 minutes.

To sum up:

Before You Go

Tweets About Hillary Clinton


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