Trevor Noah Eviscerates Media's Fake Outrage (And Defends Trump)

"Trump wasn't trying to demean anyone in this particular case. Clearly, he was having an off-day."

With one month to go until the presidential election, there’s plenty of drama ― so much that comedian Trevor Noah can’t understand why the media seem to be adding to the tension with phony outrage.

On Wednesday’s “The Daily Show,” Noah discussed campaign controversies he thinks the media exaggerated, including GOP nominee Donald Trump’s recent suggestion that veterans who struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder are weak.

The media is so addicted to phony outrage that they even feel the need to get Donald Trump, “a man who is one of the leading producers of real outrage,” Noah said.

After watching the clip of Trump’s speech, Noah said he thought the candidate was actually sympathetic toward veterans with PTSD. He even defended the Donald, sort of.

“Trump wasn’t trying to demean anyone in this particular case,” Noah said. “Clearly, he was having an off-day.”

Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularlyincitespolitical violence and is a

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