Video Breaks Down Why Machismo Isn't Synonymous With Latino Men

"Where do we get the idea that Latino men are innately machista?"

Kat Lazo wants people to stop thinking machismo goes hand in hand with being a Latino man.

The video producer took on Latino male stereotypes in the latest installment of We are mitú’s series The Kat Call. In the three minute piece, Lazo explained what’s wrong with portraying Latino men as “innately machista.”

Lazo begins by showing how the media often depicts Latino men as womanizers or criminals. These images, she explains, have real-life consequences.

“The media has always played a big role in influencing public opinion,” she said. “And these over the top sexual and aggressive messages of Latino men influence how teachers view Latinos boys, how the police interact with Latino men or how employers view Latino applicants.”

The producer also breaks down how chauvinism and machismo have less to do with being Latino and more to do with the fact “we live in a male dominated society.”

Watch Lazo’s video above.

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