'SNL' Skewers Dude Who Thought Up Doomed Kendall Jenner Pepsi Ad

"Um, I stop the police from shooting black people," says "Kendall."

Saturday Night Live” took on Kendall Jenner’s Pepsi commercial with a reimagined behind-the-scenes look at some golden-boy director who’s convinced he’s got a killer diversity ad.

The director, played by Beck Bennett, gets a call from his sister, and he waxes rhapsodic about the ad as a “kind of a homage to the resistance”: Jenner will hand a Pepsi to a cop at a Black Lives Matter protest, he explains, and “that Pepsi brings everybody together. Isn’t that like ... the best ad ever?”

Bennett’s face falls as sis obviously bursts his bubble.

He finally begins to get a clue: “Sort of tone deaf? We’re just using them ... to sell soda?”

Cecily Strong, playing Jenner, pops out from her trailer while also talking on her cellphone: “Um, I stop the police from shooting black people by handing them a Pepsi. I know. It’s cute, right?”


The skit ends with “live and learn” superimposed on the screen.

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