Cutting it Close
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I consider myself a modern man, and am certainly use to the modern conveniences that life and technology afford us. Think how much things have changed in so little of time. Our lives today are dramatically different from those of our fathers and grandfathers before us. I can't even begin to imagine my grandfather navigating the life I lead.

In the rush of modern life, many times things go overlooked. Just the other day I completely overlooked the fact that I was taping a promo segment while I was training for our upcoming ShopNBC episode. Having practically just walked in off a plane, I was an unshaven and wrinkled mess. I had to send my business partner out to the nearest Target to grab me a razor to get myself camera ready.

It was while I was rushing through the process of cleaning myself up, that I found myself getting nostalgic for the days when a man took the time to go to the barber for a shave. The ritual of the hot towel, the long blade sharpened before you, and taking the time to relax and unwind before emerging refreshed and anew. Many barber shops in small towns and urban areas offer a sense of community and a place for the local men to gather and talk, I seek them out for the quiet solitude they offer me. The chance to unplug, sit back and be pampered. If I could treat myself to this indulgence every day I would.

For now, I have to make due as best I can. Occasionally I will indulge myself at home, wrapping a hot towel around my face for 10 minutes and forcing myself to relax for a bit. To get the smooth close shave that only a barber can give you, I break out a fresh Gillette Mach 3 razor and dip into my stash of Hair Rules products for our Daily Cleansing Cream -- it does amazing double duty as a luxurious shaving cream! The hot towel helps to soften the hair follicle making your stubble a little easier to combat. Try this at home when you are longing for a barbershop shave, or even just a bit of quiet. And don't be shy to ask your lady to get involved, don't forget they love kissing a guy with a close shave.

We all need to unplug and unwind a little more than we currently do. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?

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