Furniture to Philanthropy: Short Documentary Addressing Sustainability

ANEW was founded by Rose Tourje seven years ago after she realized how much waste and lack of awareness about it there was in the architecture, building, design industries.
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Soon after meeting Rose Tourje and hearing her story, we knew it needed to be made into a documentary. We hit the ground running and began production immediately. Utilizing Roseʼs network of non-profit and for profit businesses, we put together a 10-minute documentary that aims to positively change how waste is viewed in the Architecture, Design and Building industries.

ANEW was founded by Rose seven years ago after she realized how much waste and lack of awareness about it there was in the architecture, building, design industries. She quit her high paying job and set out with a plan to change the way the industries and the public looked at surplus furniture, waste, and supporting charities. With a small staff of four, ANEW manages to keep over 1,000,000 lbs of furniture out of Americaʼs landfills every year, and has provided over 500 non-profit organizations furniture and supplies to support their endeavors.

Since our meeting less than six months ago, Roseʼs non-profit, ANEW, and Change For Balance have partnered on a campaign to raise awareness about what is taking place, inspire others to join her Social Sustainability movement, and create a new environment of sustainability and community support. The documentary has led to two successful fundraising events at the Smog Shoppe in Los Angeles and the Orange County Museum of Art, where the films were premiered. The film was then screened at FIDM to future designers in Los Angeles followed by a talk by Rose about sustainability and the work ANEW does.

Just starting the film festival circuit, the film was Winner of the "ECO Award" at the Awareness Festival, was Awarded Best Editing, Best Visual Effects, and Award of Excellence at the LA Movie Awards, and was an official selection at the Catalina Film Festival, and the FILManthropy Film Festival.

Most recently, ANEW and Change For Balance went to NEOCON in Chicago, the biggest interiors tradeshow of the year. There they made their rounds meeting with and interviewing leaders from businesses such as: Bentley Prince Street, Teknion, Kimball Office, AIS, InstallNet, Knoll, as well as the US Green Building Council.

ANEW and Change For Balance have more intriguing projects on the horizon which will be announced shortly.

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