How to Use Snapchat to Make Sales

How to Use Snapchat to Make Sales
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Snapchat is one of the fastest growing social media networks in the world. There are now over 100 million daily active users, and that represents a huge audience that you can tap into. Furthermore, you have to bear in mind that many of the users on Snapchat are millennials, which are extraordinarily difficult to target.

Whether you are making it the next B2B frontier for your company or attempting to hit the younger generation, this social media network can be used to generate sales. Here's how to do it.

Send Exclusive Special Offers

One of the most effective ways of enticing an audience into buying something is to send them a special offer. It doesn't matter where you happen to be. It's just as effective on Snapchat as it is anywhere else. Make sure this technique is exclusive to Snapchat, though.

This is particularly easy for Snapchat because the entire platform is dedicated to urgency. No deal or discount should last forever. Continue to put the pressure on the customer through taking advantage of the time-limited nature of the Snapchat platform.

Provide Access to Live Events

Companies that want to master the art of persuasion in 2016 have to go out of their way to give users an insight into the lives and happenings of their staff and organizations. Snapchat can be used to provide customers with a live stream to events.

The event isn't important. The point is you are providing something exclusive to users of this platform. It can be anything from a product launch to a trade show. Find something of interest to your target audience, snap it, and let people know about it.

The concept of real-time marketing is exploding, so now is the time to take advantage of it.

Make Things Personal

One of the reasons why millennials are so difficult to reach for businesses is that younger people want to have a personal relationship. They want to feel like they matter. Rather than trying to hit the broadest audience possible, go out of your way to get personal.

Reach out to just a few customers and have a personal interaction with them to begin that high trust relationship. You don't need to start talking to them about their day. A simple interaction like thanking them for dealing with you is enough to get that dialogue going and to leave an impression on your customers.

The key online reputation to ask in 2016 is whether you have a personal and deep connection with your customers. If not, this is the way to turn things around. You are enhancing your online reputation and encouraging more sales simply through getting personal.

Capture the Attention

All content on Snapchat is timed. Users can set how long they have to view photos and videos, from one second all the way to 24 hours. What this means for a company trying to make a sale is that they have an extremely short window in which to appeal to their target audience.

Capturing their attention requires you to do what others aren't. Whenever you are thinking about new content to send your customers, bear in mind that it should be quick and memorable at the same time. Don't dance around the issue. Tell them exactly what you want.

Something that Nobody Else Can See

As part of creating that relationship with your target audience, you need to give them something that nobody else can see. Millennials want to feel like they are having a relationship with the business they are dealing with. They want to feel special in some way.

Give your audience a sneak peek into what you're doing right now to get people excited. One idea is to give them a teaser of your latest product. You can even combine this with a special discount coupon for when the product actually comes out to increase your chances of landing a sale.

Last Word - Snapchat Requires a Tailored Strategy

It's often the case that companies attempt to utilize exactly the same strategy regardless of the platform they are operating on. This is a mistake and won't get you the results you are searching for. Snapchat requires a tailored strategy in order to get the most out of it.

Like any social media network marketing strategy, you have to go out of your way to test. Some things will work and some things won't. There's no blueprint to creating a customer relationship that sticks. By trying out different strategies you will hit upon what works for you.

How will you use Snapchat to generate sales today?

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