Now Comes the Good Sarah Palin

Now Comes the Good Sarah Palin
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Finally a major publication comes along with a lengthy analysis on the Good Sarah. It's about time. There were reasons Alaskans adored their Gov. Palin for those few, brief, halcyon months after the VECO-Alaska Legislature corruption investigation and before the Troopergate scandal, and it's rare to hear anything in the national press about those reasons.

"As governor, Palin demonstrated many of the qualities we expect in our best leaders,'' Joshua Green writes in an lengthy profile in June's The Atlantic magazine.'' "She set aside private concerns for the greater good, forgoing a focus on social issues to confront the great problem plaguing Alaska, it's corrupt oil-and-gas politics. She did this in a way that seems wildly out of character today -- by cooperating with Democrats and moderate Republicans to raise taxes on Big Business.''

Yes, yes, she did. But why did she do it and was it ultimately good for Alaska? ...

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