Sarah "Tinky Winky" Palin

What if Palin winks while she's looking into Putin's eyes? Will he think, "Oh, it's okay that I invade the Ukraine?" or will he think, "Did the Vice President of the United States just make a pass at me?"
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What is up with Sarah "Tinky Winky" Palin? Did some of the BS she was throwing around fly into her eye? I mean, what woman winks anymore other than at the Holiday Inn Express Karaoke Night?

Since she's only been at this national politics thingie for five weeks, we as a nation don't really know if winking is Palin's Modus Operandi when she's debating serious issues or just something she does.

What if Palin winks while she's looking into Putin's eyes? Will he think, "Oh, it's okay that I invade the Ukraine?" or will he think, "Did the Vice President of the United States just make a pass at me?"

This was so Cher during her "Half Breed" performance at The Dunes Hotel circa 1972.

Now, I know what many of you might be thinking. There was a time when a woman's winking was considered standard communication. Joan of Arc was a winker. Big time. As was Marie Antoinette, whose famous last wink was sadly cut short. And, as I'm sure you all remember, before the women's suffrage movement female winking was the only way women could vote.

Did Rosa Parks wink when she wouldn't give up her seat?

Come on! Is that what we're left with here? Come hither looks from our potential national leaders? Is she going to suck on her finger next? Or, maybe put her lips together and blow? And where was the "finger gun?" Aren't you supposed to wink and shoot off the old finger gun? Isn't that how it's supposed to be done?

Or in Alaska, where they have to where mittens 11 months of their Russian adjacent year, does the finger gun signal that somebody has to die?

So she didn't shit her pants last night. Is that the standard we are being asked to judge Sarah Palin? Like new parents? "My little baby is so brilliant. Look at how she can hold her head up."

For somebody who so proudly said she didn't blink when asked if she would like to join John McCain's ticket as Vice President, Sarah Palin sure does like to wink.

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