A Wet Hot Social Summer: Say Goodbye to These 8 Basic Photo Trends

In the age of social media, the summer time can be a very strenuous season of the year. After all, this is your chance to show all your friends and creepy strangers the baller life that you live off of your un-tenured elementary school teacher salary. But get ready for fall!
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Image via www.news.com.au

In the age of social media, the summer time can be a very strenuous season of the year. After all, this is your chance to show all your friends and creepy strangers the baller life that you live off of your un-tenured elementary school teacher salary.

Now that the summer has come to an end, and you're about to phase into your Mumford & Sons-esque photos of your stylish flannel-wearing, pumpkin picking escapades, you are officially relieved of your poolside, hot dog-leg photo duties and these eight other summertime social media favorites:

1.Beach/Poolside Toe Shot
(image via blueheronacupuncture.tumblr.com/)

We mentioned the hot dog legs, but it's the toe shot that is really the most tedious. Sure, an Instagram filter can easily make your translucent legs look like they've been bathing in the Caribbean sun for months, but it'll take more than Lo-Fi and several contrast adjustments to hide your Manhattan-strutting callus on your big toe. This is a photo that requires a lot of work and attention that you no longer have to worry about since it's just about Ugg-wearing season.

2.Handstand On Beach Photo

You and your friend are hot in your Michael Kors two-piece. Like, the most hottest. But a simple sidearm picture just won't do you besties any justice. No, this calls for the infamous beach handstand photo. After a half hour of searching, you've found a perfect needle-free patch of Seaside Heights sand. Your two-day meathead boyfriend will do anything to get in your pants again, even if it means calmly snapping photo after photo of terrible, knee-bent handstand poses, until you lovely ladies finally agree on the perfect picture. With autumn now ready to take over, you can retire from gymnastics until next summer. Congrats - you've earned it.

3.Beach Towel Selfie
(image via Reddit)

You have the perfect ass. But just not enough people know about it. So how do you showcase your glorious derriere, without looking like the arrogant, yet insecure, 27-year-old that you are? Ah ha! You just remembered that you ordered the freshest Ray-Bans of the summer (the $90 overnight priority shipping was well worth it)! You race to the beach and position yourself just right. The ocean is in the background, the perfect amount of ass is centered with your new spectacles giving off just enough reflection for an artistry feel. You wait for the ugly people to walk out of your shot, and SNAP! You have your ass shot. You caption it with "Just got my new sunglasses! #obssessed" With the leaves now changing, this production is no longer needed. It's boob-popping season now, and that's an infinitely easier set-up. Get your tightest, low-cut football t-shirt (because you're one of the guys), and you're all set.

4.Airport Check-In
(image via Buzzfeed)

"Peace out, Queens! Here I come, Punta Cana!" I remember a time when people would go on vacation and didn't want anyone to know where they were going. Not you! You live the life. You're not at all depressed that you spent a quarter of your yearly salary on a pair of round trip tickets, only to stay at a Motel 6 more than 22 miles from the resort. After asking four different airport employees, you finally manage to get onto the WiFi and get your Facebook check-in. No need to worry about this anymore. You're not going anywhere for the foreseeable future now that you've picked up another part-time job to pay off your airline ticket debt.

5.Pool Party in Vegas
(image via lavishvegas.com)

What's cooler than partying in Vegas? A pool party accompanied by the hottest DJ in the scene! You HAVE to capture this to show your followers. Once you find the perfect position in the pool in the vicinity of Calvin Harris, you gather your #squad behind you, and just like that, your day is made. Now, while Vegas never stops, your summer does, and you have to start getting your second grade lesson plans together and change your name on Facebook to Sam Antha, so your students can't find your half-nude bachelorette party photos. Fortunately though, you don't have to trek through a pee-filled Vegas pool to capture a memory until next summer.

6.Workout Selfie
(image via YouTube)

You've already gone to the beach with your out-of-shape friends, but just in case they didn't feel bad enough about standing next to you shirtless in front of women, you have to reinforce the #hardwork and #dedication you put into your 14-pack abs with a mirror selfie. Your shirt is lifted just high enough to catch the edge of your pec to give it that perfect nonchalant feel. Your head is slightly tilted down and everything else is flexed for that perfect inspirational post. Now that I think about it, this really won't end with the summer.

7.Meal Prep Photo
(image via kitchenius.com)

Hey, working out is just half the battle. In order for you to maintain that #summerbod, you have to eat right. So you make sure that you lay out your 20 pieces of Tupperware on your granite-top counter, and position your grilled chicken, broccoli, and brown rice in the same spot in each container. Incomplete grill marks on your chicken is no worry for you, as it's nothing a Sharpie can't fix. Add your "Eat clean, train dirty" caption and your OCD-inspired post is complete. This is a major summertime hassle. It's fall time, so just pick up a bunch of apple pie protein bars, fan them out, and you have a simple, healthy, autumn picture for all to see. Rachel Ray would be proud.

8.Wedding Pictures
(Bridesmaids image via cinemablend.com)

Everyone loves you, and this can be quite a burden. You're either a guest or a bridesmaid at 12 weddings, and it requires a lot of work to construct your four-piece Pic Stitch of you with your boyfriend, your hair, a makeup selfie, and you with the bride from your good side (this day is about you). The season of love is finally over, and you no longer have to freak out about using the wrong wedding hashtag.

You've put in a lot of hard work this summer. It's your time to relax. So go ahead and take your basic photos of your Starbucks cup with your name spelled hilariously wrong, and enjoy posting screenshots of how terribly your fantasy football team is doing. We all care.

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