Why Don't Women Talk About Their Personal Finances?

It's time for women to feel confident about their personal finance needs, goals, and plans--it's time to get fit and start talking.
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In 2010, women talk freely and openly about everything--work, sex, politics, the latest diet trends and "how to get in shape fast" for that next vacation. We gossip openly to our friends about the day at the office, the books we read, and the men we date. Magazines, newspapers, or online information sites catering to women publish "how-to" guides for securing that promotion or surviving unemployment, training for a marathon or venturing out on that blind date. In addition, social media has broken down any discrepancy between our private and public lives. It's encouraged us to increase communication with our different networks and candidly discuss issues that a few years ago would never have left book club or Tuesday night's potluck dinner. In today's world, we are empowered and encouraged to share our ideas, our thoughts and opinions on just about everything.

Why then, do we rarely talk about our financial goals, our resolutions, or our financial planning for college, a family or retirement? Why do women's magazines or lifestyle websites rarely publish "how-to" guides for selecting the best credit cards, tackling debt, setting up an IRA account or paying taxes? (Reports show that roughly 2/3rds of single women don't even have IRAs!) Why do we shy away from talking about money or investing during dinner on girl's night out? Why has it become so taboo for us to talk openly about our personal finance questions?

The fact of the matter is this: the amount of educational resources out there that teach women (or anyone!) about personal finance is embarrassingly limited. Rarely do high schools, colleges, or graduate schools offer classes that educate students on personal finance or teach them how to address their financial needs for today or the future. Truth is, none of us want to talk about the unfamiliar and if we push it aside perhaps we can avoid it and move forward. However, if we said that about dating, dieting, or starting a new job, we all would be unwillingly single, overweight and unemployed.

In order to get in better physical shape, we educate ourselves on the options we have for reaching our goals. We read fitness 'how to' guides, meet with physical trainers or counselors, speak with friends and colleagues and determine the best practices to get fit. Once we weigh our different options, we are then able to decide the work out routine and diet strategy that is right for us, and map out a day-to-day plan, with both short-term and long-term goals.

We need to do the exact same thing for personal finances.

The problem is we don't have the resources to do so. I founded www.LearnVest.com to be a one-stop online resource for women who want openly embrace personal finance and tackle it with a vengeance. By providing access to any and all information and answering questions from budgeting and spending to credit scores to insurance plans, LearnVest is the fastest and most convenient way to get your finances in shape.

It's time to feel confident about our personal finance needs, goals, and plans--it's time to get fit and start talking.

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