"Ghosts and Humans Yucking It up Over Toothpaste!" (VIDEO)

As you and I are here breathing in the now, is when one can communicate with the other side or a trapped soul which is what a Ghost is.
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My first HuffPost fan shot straight from their paranormal-hip many questions from my "Some Of My Best Friends Are Ghosts" post recently. I decided to dedicate these questions molding them into this follow-up article. First up, my inquisitor finds this subject matter fascinating as who wouldn't, at least one with an open-mind or less then cavalier 'I know all' attitude would certainly lend their ear to hearing me out. He asks me, "How did he (Hans Holzer) converse with ghosts?"

First off it took my father a very long time, in his seventies to be precise, until he himself became a Clairaudient, when one can hear words spoken in real-time around them buzzing like a bee in the summer time. Prior to that, was always through the use of validated seasoned trans-mediums who acted like recording devices themselves only they were speaking in the moment dictating if you will; for the spirit, guides or ghost communicating. This leads into another question about giving an example of such said conversation.

In his big black book, Ghosts by Black Dog and Leventhal Publishers in Manhattan, especially, he does transcripts between himself, the ghosts(s) and the medium so the conversations are recorded when research is at play on an investigation from a purported haunting. It is not to say you yourself, cannot record or work with a medium to achieve this research but it is used to help and pass along information and more so learn from the 'other side' (another term Hans coined back in the sixties). "Could he do this while he was brushing his teeth or did he need to meditate?" You assume he brushed his teeth?

As you and I are here breathing in the now, is when one can communicate with the other side or a trapped soul which is what a Ghost is. Brushing one's teeth is no different as walking into a haunted home as they are always around us, just some in more concentrated clumps if you will then other spots globally speaking of course. Now, if it is meant for you to see, hear, smell or feel the dead around you, you will. You have to have a nerve about you to just roll with it and see what happens and do it like an exercise like Yoga for Ghosts. Just because we can't see them, doesn't mean they're not watching us. I let go of the bathroom paranoia a long-time ago and said, "Oh well I am not sucking in my gut anymore! Tough on them they'll have to look the other way!"

"How are the protocols and political powers in play after death? What does that mean?" Some think when we die that it's this blissful, perfect running amuck in a meadow of golden flowers and soft breezes scenario. However, as in life, the after-life has layers and their own 'political' system where you arrive there at a level and dependent on how you lived your life on earth, can and will dictate where you go in death. "Medium in training gals? Was he teaching classes or mentoring?" Ha! This was a loose play on words as Hans was known to have an eye for the ladies half his age as he claimed he was just a number, but how he lived would be telling of his longevity and youth sexually. He did teach for eight years at New York Institute for Technology and was a real Professor, accent and all.

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