Religious right publication distorts AP article on Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Religious right publication distorts AP article on Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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While some on the right are going insane over the potential repeal of Don't Ask, Don' t Tell, others seem to be rewriting the House vote

The following are the lead paragraphs of the Associated Press article regarding the House vote to repeal DADT:

U.S. moves to end army's gay ban

WASHINGTON - Congress has taken two big steps toward ending the "don't ask, don't tell" ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military.

In quick succession Thursday, the Senate Armed Services Committee and the full House of Representatives approved measures to repeal the 1993 law that allows gay people to serve in the armed services only if they hide their sexual orientation.

Here are the lead paragraphs of the same article published by the American Family Association's One News Now with Associated Press writer's (Jim Abrams) byline:

Congress bows to gay agenda...repeals 'repeals don't ask don't tell'

WASHINGTON - Congress has given in to pressure from gay activists and the White House and voted to repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military.

In quick succession Thursday, the Senate Armed Services Committee and the full House approved measures to repeal the 1993 law that allows gay people to serve in the armed services only if they hide their sexual orientation.

No one should be surprised. One News Now is owned by the American Family Association, the same organization which employs Bryan Fischer. Fischer thinks that lgbts caused the Holocaust. And aside from that, usually One News Now is a sounding board for other one-sided articles against the lgbt community (its polls are a slanted colossal joke).

But even after taking all of that into account, editing a story for the sake of spin strikes me as especially sleazy, even for them.

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