What is Love?

Love is being the best person you can be, every day. It is waking up and making the choice to act and live with love, honesty, loyalty, selflessness and commitment.
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Love is loving yourself first, because only then do you have the capability of loving another fully and truly.

Love is nourishing your body and making your health a priority. Because when you're sick, it's the people around you that suffer the most. Because you want to be able to grow old and maximize your time on earth being a partner, a parent and a friend.

Love is being proactive to not get to that tipping point, so you don't have to put yourself and the people you love through the consequences.

Love is making decisions for the good of your relationship. It is being relentless in removing the people who affect you negatively and bring out the worst in you. It is choosing to surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you, so that you can be a better person. When you let dark energy from bad company keep you, it will also harm your partner.

Love is appreciating and being thankful everyday for the person you have, and treating them with consideration, care and thoughtfulness. You do not have to wait until you lose them to know this. Practicing giving and appreciation is what you do on a daily basis, not when it's gotten to the point of a problem.

Love is making decisions for "we." It's having the forethought and consideration to know that anything that is going on with you, any problem, any success - is also happening to your partner.

Love is creating contexts and situations that never jeopardize your unity or values.

Love is understanding that we are human, and with that, comes insecurities, weaknesses, and irresistible temptations. Instead of denying them, you are strategic and mindful to not put yourself in situations where those weaknesses can control you or overpower you.

Love is being the best person you can be, every day. It is waking up and making the choice to act and live with love, honesty, loyalty, selflessness and commitment.

Love is being realistic about relationships. Knowing that there are ebbs and flows, and some ebbs may feel like the end of the world. But because you honor the love and bond, you do what it takes to work through the rough spots. And if even at the end it means you can't be together, at least you tried to the best of your ability to make it work.

Love is working hard and putting that extra amount of effort, even when you're feeling lazy or tired. It is about being proactive versus reactive.

Love is to choose acting with love over fear, even when you are in pain, even when you hurt. It is acting with dignity and grace regardless of how angry or upset you may be.

Love is being the greatest partner, friend, lover, teacher, student, companion, parent, person - you could possibly be. Because when you are at your greatest, you bring out the greatness in others as well.

Love is forgiving.

Love is wanting the best for your partner, even if that sometimes means to let them go.

To read more of Amy's blogs, visit www.amyfabulous.com

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