Finding What You Least Expect

Finding What You Least Expect
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Have you ever been working toward something and then, when you least expected it, there was a breakthrough, an epiphany, a realization?

Sometimes those can be good and sometimes, well, not so good...or at least feel uncomfortable or hard...

When I started my business just about 3 years ago, my goals were to build up a client-base, do some interesting work, pay the mortgage and save up for some vacations, etc. Normal stuff, right?! It's what a business owner should do.

And that is right, to a certain degree. In order to stay in business, you need to not only make sales but make a profit, have revenue. In order to do that, you need clients and customers who like you and your product or services. And lastly, who doesn't want to save up and take some great vacation?

But that's not all there is. Or I should say, that doesn't HAVE to be all there is.

Now, some of you may be shaking your head like I'm crazy - and I have to tell you that you wouldn't be the first ones...

A couple of years ago, my business was in a good place. I was making money, I had some good clients and we were taking family vacations. But in all of that, I just didn't feel fulfilled or like I was doing what I really could be doing. Sure, my clients were happy and most of the work was interesting but I came to a realization that I wanted more - out of work, out of my business, out of LIFE.

And this realization changed everything...It was like my 'first new day." You see, I had one of these before when I left the corporate world and here was my next chance to make better use of my skills, my talent, my contribution. What I found that day was a new gift of 'ME.'

It was hard at first, I mean really hard. I pushed my realization back a bit and tried to ignore it and go one about my days the same way I had. I mean, I already had a business, right?!

How could I bring my full, best, truest self to my business?

Like many people, I liked the idea of following my true passion and mission but the actual work to make that happen seemed a bit daunting, overwhelming and exhausting - because I would have to give ALL of me, not just bits and pieces.

Yet, here I am - still standing! On my second 'first new day' I found what I least expected...and it was ME. Doing work that I love, that I'm passionate about and that helps others is better than I ever thought it could be. And that gets me through the hard days, the tough days when I think about giving up on my Living Intentionally movement, when I think no one is listening. But the small voice inside my head [okay, big voice - it talks a lot...] reminds me that life is always full of surprises. That while I may have what I think is a plan, things happen when they are ready to happen...

And this brings to mind a quote that was shared with me the other day:


And I am reminded that you find what you least expect when you have patience and acceptance. Patience with yourself to keep going and to trust that you are doing the best you can do and acceptance that as long as you are being patient...good things, no great things will come your way!

How patient are you? And how accepting are you of your life's path?

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