Missing something cool...for something BIG

Missing something cool...for something BIG
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I have missed out on some great opportunities that came my way this year. Live events with some amazing friends across the country. They were opportunities to not only reconnect but to deepen the relationships and share experiences. And to grow and learn more about myself.

But I didn't go. I stayed home and dealt with some challenges in my business and was home more and on the road less. And while I don't regret my choice to stay home, when I talk with my friends, see their posts and watch their videos I know they are doing some great things...that I could have been a part of. They included me, welcomed me. Yet I chose to stay home. To not travel every weekend. To spend time with my boys and husband. To rebuild parts of my business. To spend time with myself.

To some, this might be a 'no-brainer' but for me they were harder decisions. I truly enjoy traveling, meeting up with friends and colleagues and growing together. Going to these events...it's like an adrenaline rush that lasts for days! And the people and connections I make...amazing!

And recently, I have been thinking about these missed opportunities. While I know in my heart I made the best decisions I could at the time, I'm human and the FOMO (fear of missing out) was kicking in. Also, I have watched and been so excited and supportive of people truly growing their businesses - to places they didn't think was possible. Or at least not possible this quickly. They are truly making such an impact and difference.

I'll give you one guess as to what happened next.

Got it? Okay, here it goes and see if you were right...

I started comparing myself to them. [I'm guessing 90% of you guessed correctly on this one.] The old 'geez, they are doing that and I'm doing this. I should be doing that.' routine. If I had only gone to [X] they I would have [Y]. And on and on.

And then I watched and listened to Robin Sharma's FB Live video this week. He spoke about the 'need to be yourself' and it really struck a cord with me. There is only one you in the whole world. And trying to keep up with others, watching what they are doing, trying to BE them doesn't serve you. While it is great to have goals and things to strive for, trying to be them while ignoring yourself or copying exactly what they do without your own flare is not serving you.

WOW! Talk about a wake up call.

And then I had a conversation with myself (as I tend to do) and realized that no, I'm not so-and-so or them. I'm ME. It's like the universe heard me because in the past few days I have received phone calls, emails and text messages from friends and acquaintances telling me how much my book is helping them or how a post I wrote was just what they needed. Their words, not mine:

"Amy, your voice and genuine care of others really comes alive! I just wanted to say your book is awesome and you have done something magical here."

There were several other messages like this and honestly they brought tears to my eyes. It's when you dig in, share yourself and something you believe in with the world that your true light shines. That is when people really see YOU. Not everyone will love or like YOU - but that's OK. What matters is being ME.

It is not always easy to miss something cool or fun but if you are working on something BIG, well then, it is time well spent.

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