Your New Year's Resolution Can Start Anytime

There are still many more days to complete your 2015 goals. No one said a resolution would be easy (that's probably why you made it and broke it in the first place).
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Every year, many people from all over the world make New Year's resolutions. Some see it as a time to start fresh and really accomplish their goals. There is a burst of motivational energy that occurs as the countdown clock hits zero. While there is a range of resolutions, some of the more typical ones include losing weight, quitting something, and making more money.

However, as the days of the year go by, many begin to see the flame of New Year's resolution begin to fade and then diminish. The gym membership is cancelled; the diets are abandoned, and so on. The motivation that the person felt towards the end of the previous year and the beginning of the next year has dropped like the Times Square Ball.

With all the pressure and then disappointment that some seem to set upon themselves regarding New Year's resolutions, many decide not to make any at all. Why go through the whole up-and-down emotional rollercoaster ride when one doesn't have too? Okay, it may not be that dramatic (depends on the resolution), but you get the point.

Those who make and break their New Year's resolutions need to be reminded of this: Your New Year's resolution doesn't have to start when the clock strikes midnight on January 1st. You can also always start over if need be. While it technically would not be a New Year's resolution, there is no rule saying that a person cannot make a new resolution anytime of the year or restart the one they have already broken. Bettering one's self or the world around you does not have a specific start date. It is generally up to the individual person and can start at any time.

Personally, I do make New Year's resolutions. I do see the beginning of each new year as a very motivating time and a chance to start fresh. However, if (and usually when) I break the resolutions, I try to not let it be a major setback, but rather a bump in the road. Yes, this is easier said than done (and something that took me a while to realize and I am working on). However, I have found that sometimes the most rewarding accomplishments are the ones that may not be the easiest to obtain and the road to success may not be a straight shot.

So, to all who set New Year's resolutions (but already broke them), there is good news! There are still many more days to complete your 2015 goals. No one said a resolution would be easy (that's probably why you made it and broke it in the first place). There will be missteps and rough patches that will come up. Regardless of any setbacks, continue to push towards your goals. The year is still young. Plus, even if it wasn't, there is no set time to start or change someone about yourself or the world around you. Change can and will happen regardless of the date it is started on.

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