5 Easy Ways to Get Healthier in 5 Minutes or Less

Give yourself permission to celebrate the little changes you're making, on a consistent basis, because these add up to big-time changes in the long run.
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Shedding pounds, increasing your energy, revitalizing your life, and getting healthy doesn't have to be a struggle.

Most people believe, in order for their attempts to be deemed worthy, they should make the leap from "unhealthy" to "healthy" overnight.

This rarely works.

It's Monday: You swear off your favorite, greasy foods forever... only to find yourself binging on them at the end of the week.

Sound familiar?

Or, maybe you purchased a gym membership, revved up to work out at least five times a week. But, the end of the month comes along and you only went twice... that entire month.

We've all been there.

The good news: True, sustainable change doesn't typically happen in leaps and bounds. Instead, it occurs one baby step at a time.

Give yourself permission to celebrate the little changes you're making, on a consistent basis, because these add up to big-time changes in the long run.

Build momentum with these baby steps and you'll be off and running before you know it!

Take a few deep breaths.

When you're stressed, your body goes into fight-or-flight mode. Meaning, your body is getting ready to fight or flee from something that could cause you harm, like a tiger.

Your body doesn't know that the "tiger" is your work or traffic or problems with your co-workers, friends, or family. These "tiger" don't just roam away. Instead, they're part of your daily life. And, if you don't find a way to deal with them, they'll eat you up (metaphorically, of course) from the inside, out.

Taking deep breaths is one of the fastest, most effective ways to get your body out of fight-or-flight mode and into what's known as rest-and-digest mode.

Rest-and-digest mode is definitely where you want to be most often. In this mode, your body is more apt to heal from chronic and acute illnesses, let go of excess weight, and assimilate nutrients that play a vital role in keeping you healthy.

The next time you're stressed, inhale for four counts, hold your breath for a second, and then exhale for six counts. Repeat.

Do a couple yoga stretches.

Just like breath, yoga stretches are a great stress-management tool. They also increase flexibility and help alleviate pain.

Doing a few stretches in the morning, evening, or on your breaks at work, can make a huge difference.

Here are a few effective stretches you can do without leaving your desk chair or couch:

Seated Pigeon

This stretch is a great way to loosen up your hips and lower back.


  • Sit at the edge of your chair, with your feet planted on the ground
  • Place your right ankle on your left thigh
  • Sit tall and gently flex your right foot
  • If you need a bigger stretch, hinge your body forward
  • Hold for a few breaths
  • Repeat on the other side

Seated Cat/Cow

This stretch is great for you back. It brings your spine through its full range of motion.


  • Sit at the edge of your chair, with your feet planted on the ground
  • Place your palms on your knees
  • On an inhale, pull your chest towards the sky, drop the tops of your shoulders away from your ears, and look up (if that feels okay on your neck)
  • On an exhale, create a "C" curve with your spine, pull your belly button towards your spine, and look towards your belly button
  • Repeat a few times, moving with your breath

Seated Twist

This is another great stretch for your back. Twisting also helps with digestion and aids in your body's natural detoxification processes.


  • Sit at the edge of your chair, with your feet planted on the ground
  • Place your right hand behind you, by your tailbone
  • Drop your right shoulder down, away from your ear
  • Pull your right shoulder blade towards your spine
  • Gently place your left hand on the outside of your right knee
  • Look over your right shoulder (if that feels okay on your neck)
  • Hold for a few breaths
  • Repeat on the other side

Take a quick walk outside.

You can't go wrong when you combine fresh air with a little movement. Take a quick break at some point during your day to go on a walk outside.

Do a few plank moves.

Plank moves are great for days when you don't have time a ton of time to work out. They tone and strengthen your core and upper body. They also increase your heart rate.

To start:

  • Keep your knees on the ground
  • Plant your palms right under your shoulders
  • Pull your shoulders away from your ears, towards your hips
  • Pull your belly button up, towards your spine
  • Hold for a few breaths

For a bigger challenge:

  • Tuck your toes under and push through your heals to lift your knees
  • Hold for a few breaths

For an even bigger challenge:

  • On an exhale, pull your right knee towards your left elbow
  • On an inhale, back to plank
  • Exhale, left knee to your right elbow
  • Inhale, plank
  • Repeat

Find one new, healthy recipe to try.

Instead of trying to change your entire diet, overnight, what if you just took it one recipe at a time?

Google your favorite dish with the words "healthy" and "recipe." (Example: pizza healthy recipe.) This will help you find great online resources for healthy recipes. It will also help you get familiar with healthy ingredients you can substitute in or add to your favorite meals, snacks, beverages, and desserts.

Ask your friends to share what healthy recipes they've recently tried and loved. Send out a social media request for people to share their favorite health blogs.

For more support around becoming healthier, join the Free 21-Day Movement Challenge!

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