Ego, Agent of the Spirit

Ego, Agent of the Spirit
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There was a time it was considered necessary to subdue the ego, that pesky sense of self that stubbornly got in the way of spiritual progress, blotting out "divine light."

With the timely advent of holistic thinking, the ego found itself invited to the banquet anew, though not wearing the garment of old; rather as a transformed being whose journey to the far country had brought the realization that all hard won victories and triumphs, honed and refined through competition and comparisons, had run their course and now needed fresh modes of expression.

The prompting of Spirit reminds us that as living beings we are not exempt from the great tides and cycles that govern existence -- whether cosmic or earthly. What we developed as qualities and specific skills -- judged and applauded by our approving minds -- requires widened outlet and renewed challenge, this time in honor of the whole rather than in self-serving capacity. The cooperative consciousness replaces the competitive one.

Contrary to popular belief Spirit does not call to us incessantly; instead we are left to our own devices to forge a range of skills, amass experiences and accumulate wealth (maybe!), to discover for ourselves that more in a universe without limit is a fallacy.

Disillusionment is quite profound the day we stand dismayed that the buzz associated with achievement and triumph has paled and lost its savor. Only then are we likely to listen with the degree of earnestness required.

Enrichment as we formerly knew it becomes replaced by another chord, one that in stead of a scramble to acquire things, draws on that which is deepest in ourselves -- the storehouse of creativity, inspiration and innovation. These are put to work as the ego becomes the agent of the Spirit, this time in service of the whole and the healing of our earth.

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